Referees Remote

On this page you can find the necessary files for producing the remote that is used by the referee. If you (as an organizer) are interested in making an order of to already manufactured units please visit the shop.

Referees remote
Schematics and source code can be found on Github.

To upload the firmware this pogo bed can be used.

Important notes!!
Only use identifiers 2-31 during competition see more info below.

Instruction of use
To simplify things for competition organizers, there is a remote control specifically designed for this start module. This remote control has the following features:

  • Three buttons with text for start, stop and program, respectively.
  • One dip switch to set the dohyo identifier
  • 3 IR-leds in the front to send start/stop commands
  • 1 IR-led in the back to send programming command
  • Possibility to connect up to 3 external IR-leds to mount around the Dohyo
  • 4 normal LEDs to show status of the remote control
  • Uses only standard and easy-to-obtain components and is easy to assemble

First of all it is important to understand that the remote is designed to be aimed in two directions, one for sending the start and stop commands which is sent via 3 powerful IR LEDs for long reach. The other direction of the remote sends the programming command with one weak IR LED. Sending the programming command with a weak signal minimizes the possibility for disturbing/reprogramming other robots.

Start and stop
To send start and stop commands, simply press the start or stop button (noted on the board with START and STOP). Make sure that the side with the three IR-LEDs is aimed at the target. The start/stop-command sent will use the dohyo identifier currently set on the dip switches.

To program a module using the remote, simply aim the back of the remote (the one with the single IR-LED) at the start module to be programmed and press the program button (noted on the board with PROGRAM). The remote will now send the programming address with the stop command with the currently set dohyo identifier. To avoid unintentional programming of other modules (such as robots currently battling on other dohyos), this IR-LED has very limited power output, so make sure the target is close to the remote control. When the start module receives the new dohyo identifier it will response by flash its LED twice.

Dohyo identier
The dip-switch on the remote is used to chose what dohyo identifier should be sent. The 5 pin dip-switch represents a 5 bit binary number with the least significant bit noted as 1 on the remote. Se the table below for which identifiers to be used.

Value Decimal Value Binary Comment
0 00000 This puts the remote in to “home mode”. In this mode the remote sends the same signals as a TV remote. This is useful to test if the contestants start module is in home mode. If it is they have to set it back to normal mode by disconnecting the home pad.
1 00001 Reserved
2-31 00010-11111 Used for competition

Status LEDs
There are four status LEDs on the remote;

When a start command is sent the indication led closest to the front (LED4) will flash repeatedly, and LED3 will light up momentarily. Similarly, when a stop command is sent, LED4 will flash repeatedly and LED2 will light up.

When sending a programming command, LED1 will light up momentarily.

If a button is pressed and all leds flash repeatedly, it means that the battery is running low (below about 2.4V). Please note that no command is sent when batteries are low. Please exchange them.

If a button is pressed and LED4 does not flash and the active LED (1 for program, 2 for stop and 3 for start) blinks two times it means that this is a forbidden command (refer to list above). This happens when the dohyo identifier is set to 0 and program button is pressed and when the ID is set to 1 and any button is pressed. No ir signal is sent out during these times.

Important notes!!
Only use identifiers 2-31 during competition.

If all LEDs on the remote flashes when pushing the buttons the batteries is low and need to be replaced.

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